Tromsø Museum, photo by Adnan Icagic.

Natural history collections of the Arctic University Museum of Norway

Collections are the core of our museum’s mission: to document, preserve, research and exhibit the cultural and natural history of Northern Norway. The collections serve as extraordinary repositories of diverse objects and living organisms.


The Arctic University Museum of Norway houses zoological, botanical, and geological collections, predominantly sourced from Northern Norway and the Arctic regions. We are committed to research on biodiversity and taxonomy in the past, present, and future based on our collections.

Alaria esculenta (L.) photo by Heini Emilia Rama

The algae herbarium contains almost 3000 specimens, primarily from Norway and Svalbard.

Marchantia polymorpha (L.), photo by Dilli Prasad Rijal

Around 23,600 bryophyte specimens, encompassing a diverse array of mosses, liverworts, and hornworts.

Cortinarius saturninus photo: Ole Christian Hagestad

We house an extensive fungal collection, comprising nearly 40,000 specimens, showcasing the remarkable diversity of fungi in our region.

Nephroma arcticum (L.) Torss. (1843), photo by Dilli Prasad Rijal

A diverse collection, featuring nearly 23,000 lichen specimens, unique symbiotic organisms.

Our extensive vascular plant collection, which includes over 175,000 specimens primarily sourced from the northern hemisphere, a comprehensive botanical journey through the rich flora of the North.

Oligobrachia webbi Brattegard, 1966 (TSZA 746), photo by Mari Karlstad

Marine annelids are an important component of the museum’s zoological collections, numbering over 3500 specimens.

photo by Mari Karlstad

Over 6500 specimens of taxidermied and preserved birds.

photo by Mari Karlstad

Nearly 2000 bird eggs from Norther Norway and Svalbard.

Anadara hankeyana (Reeve, 1844) (TSZB 5905), photo by Mari Karlstad

The bivalve collection covers over 12 000 specimens, both fixed and in the form of shells.

Macandrevia cranium (O. F. Müller, 1776) (TSZBr 2731), photo by Mari Karlstad

Nearly 3000 specimens of lophophorates and entoprocts, mostly from the Norwegian Arctic.

Colossendeis sp. Jarzynsky, 1870 (TSZCh 570), photo by Mari Karlstad

Half a thousand arachnids and nearly 600 pycnogonids from Norway and Svalbard.

Pennatula aculeata Danielssen, 1860 (TSZR 130), photo by Mari Karlstad

The collection houses over 1500 specimens of marine cnidarian and ctenophore taxa.

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Beetles, the most speciose insect group of them all, are represented by about 22 000 specimens in the museum’s collection.

Saduria sabini (Krøyer, 1849) (TSZCr 4341), photo by Mari Karlstad

The crustacean collection holds nearly 20 000 specimens, primarily from Northern Europe.

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Over 25 000 specimens of mainly Norwegian dipterans.

Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (O.F. Müller, 1776), photo by Heini Rämä

A unique collection of nearly 5000 echinoderms primarily from the Norwegian Arctic.

** , photo by Mari Karlstad

Marine and freshwater fish. Over 3000 specimens.

Foto: Adnan Icagic

The museum houses unique geological and palaeontological material, chiefly from Northern Norway and Svalbard.

About 23 000 specimens of butterflies from Norway and tropical regions.

Canis lupus, Linnaeus, 1758, photo by Mari Karlstad

The mammal collections consist mostly of taxidermied and fixed specimens.

Molgula retortiformis Verrill, 1871, TSZT49, photo by Mari Karlstad

Over 1000 tunicate specimens primarily from Norwegian and Arctic waters.

Wet collection, photo by Ricarda Sofia Cremer

Various marine groups including acanthocephalans, chaetognaths, echiurans, hemichordates, myzozoans, nematodes, nematomorphs, flatworms, sponges, priapulids, and sipunculids.